An essay about self-diagnosing on the platform TikTok for the first year of university. You can read it in Swedish here.
My first big writing assignment that I did, along with a classmate.
I knew that I wanted to do something around the effects of the fast-paced information that you receive in today’s social media.
A commercial for the cat food brand Sheba for the course Video production 2024. The instructions for the project was to create a commercial as a “morning routine with a twist”.
For spring 2024 we got to choose which courses to take and by this time it was an obvious choice to take another go at video production, to show what I had learned from last time but also because I had so much fun with it.
If I could change something now I’d probably make the last scene brighter, but edit the hue to give the feeling of an early morning.
A graphic print manual for the stable and training facility Smedjebron, for the course Graphic Print Production 2024. A group project.
I was primarily in charge of the Illustrations for this project. The manual was printed by Redo Tryck in Skövde.
A redesign for the company Jetebra Games’ website, for the course Web project and Design 2024. The image to the left is their original website, and the one we created can be viewed here.
This was a group project where I primarily was in charge of design and coding.
I started sketching ideas for the website in Figma, so the company could come with critique and improvements. When we had a base that everyone was happy with we started building the website through WordPress.